This article will tell you more about Eduard 1/48 Sopwith F.1 Camel Clerget Weekend (8486). As you can guess, kit offers us a chance to copy WW1 biplane in 1/48 scale. Note that model comes as Weekend Edition so there are no additional bonuses inside. Nevertheless, plastic is still nice, and it might be an interesting choice for modelers who would like to have their own copy of the famous Camel. Packaging is typical, so let's open it and take a closer look together.
By the way, here you can read review with Profipack of the same aircraft.
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Watch this video-review where I show all parts even closer.
We are going to start with the frame which carries fuselage and wing parts. External details look good and should be easy to preserve.
Note that Eduard still provides all the engine options which were installed on Camel. This is really great thing that might be handy for scratch-building.
Frontal cowling section comes as one-piece. Some parts are quite small and will require careful installation with tweezers.
Clear frame is packed into separate plastic bag. Molding quality looks great, but there are no masks for those parts.
Decals sheet is printed in Eduard. Overall quality looks great and there are also decals for the cockpit. You can see all marking options on the photo below.
Assembly manual is typical for Eduard. You can check all pages in the video-review.
New kit should be already available for purchase. In my opinion it is an interesting choice for modelers who would like to build their biplane in smaller size. Moreover, plastic is relatively new, so you will benefit from modern molding and design. Eduard also offers various accessories which will make your build even more detailed.
Get this and other kits on official Eduard website.Pros
- Nice molding quality
- Clever parts division
- Good decals
- No rigging line
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