This time we are going to talk about Warhammer White Dwarf (477). New issue comes with various bonuses which might be interesting for players. Moreover, the biggest part will be dedicated to World Eaters and all related topics. Packaging is slightly different due to all the bonuses inside, so we get them packed into special envelope. Let's open them and take a closer look in the video-review.
By the way, here you can read review with one of the previous issues.
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In this video I show more pages inside.
As it was mentioned, the main topic is a new even in Warhammer setting. Here you will get a chance to check new rules and backstory.
Moreover, there are plenty of various photos which might give you idea on how to work with this or that figurine.
Next comes Warhammer 40K section, where you will see some new units as well. I am a bit surprised that today's issue is not that generous on marking options for those various builds.
On the photo below you can see cards and stickers which are coming together with the magazine.
New 477th issue should be already available for purchase. You can expect plenty of interesting photos and articles inside together with some handy bonuses. Somehow there are less painting articles this time, but who knows, maybe it is due to the new event taking over and demanding some space. :D
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