
Valiant Wings Bf 109 Late Series Airframe and Miniature (11 Second Edition)

This time we are going to check Valiant Wings Bf 109 Late Series Airframe and Miniature (11 Second Edition). As you can guess from the name, this title follows the "updated" trend which was set by British publisher. In my opinion it is a good decision which brings us fresh information and makes this book available for purchase. It was sold out for some time, so I am glad to see it back. Of course, this is the final version of the publication, so you will get exactly the same thing. There are 256 pages with a separate set of drawings in 1/48 scale. Let's open this book and take a closer look together.
By the way, here you can read review with updated book about Early Version.
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Watch this video-review where I show even more pages.

We are going to start with contents page. Here you will find separation into two sections - Airframe Chapters and Miniature Chapters.

Book starts with development history and some background information. Some of the photos here might come handy for diorama and build ideas.

Color profiles chapter is also interesting and might bring you some new ideas on how to paint the model.

Builds section got its update, and now we will find Border Models kit as well as conversion build in 1/32 scale. Each project is accompanied with detailed photos, so you will see what authors did here and there. On the photo below you can see another important part with photos and drawings of the real aircraft. Those pictures should be handy for modelers who like to add more features into their builds.

Price will be set at 25.95GBP, what is on the same level as previous releases. In my opinion it is a great choice for modelers who would like to learn more about the famous aircraft. Moreover, you will get almost all necessary information in one book, what is also quite good. It doesn't matter which scale you will choose, there is still a lot of useful facts inside. The only thing you will have to consider is that these books get sold out quickly, so it is better to act fast.

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