
Miniart 1/35 Fuel and Oil Drums (35613)

This review is dedicated to Miniart 1/35 Fuel and Oil Drums (35613). As you can see, kit contains various drums (surprise!) and such objects might be handy for diorama builds. Typical scale will make it easier to combine with various model and figures. Packaging is typical here, all frames are packed into the same plastic bag. Let's open it and take a closer look. I also recommend to watch the video-review above, where I show parts even closer.
By the way, here you can read review with tank model from the same brand.
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As you can guess, all drums will be assembled from similar parts, so I will show here just one set of the sprues. On the first frame you can see two halves for the drum. Decals come from Decograph, so printing quality looks fine.

Next two halves will let you build slightly different type. Note also premolded features on the top and bottom parts. Assembly manual is printed on the rear side of the box. You will also find there the color painting guide.

Today's kit looks like a decent addition to accessories lineup from Miniart. It comes in 1/35 scale and might turn into useful accessory for those who need additional items for their build. Moreover, you don't have to use all barrels at once, so one kit can be handy for two projects. Price is also reasonable, so I recommend to check this release if you are building 1/35 scale models. :)
Get this and other kits in Modelimex webshop.

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