This time we are going to talk about Miniart 1/48 Plastic Barrels and Cans (49010). New set comes as yet another add-on in the scale which was ignored up till this date. Name tells you what to expect, and such addition will come handy in some diorama build. Packaging is typical here, so all frames are packed into the same plastic bag. Let's open it and take a closer look together.
By the way, here you can read review with oil drums set in the same scale.
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Watch this video where I show all parts even closer.
Parts are supplied on one type of sprue. As you can see, we get several versions of cans, each one should be assembled out of several parts. Overall molding quality looks good and should be easy to work with.
Decals sheet is not that big, but you will find some handy symbols here. Assembly manual and marking guide are printed on the rear side of the box. If you have some reference materials, it will be fine to replicate other color or writing on the can.
New set should be already available for purchase. In my opinion it is a great choice in unusual scale. We are all seeing those 1/35 accessories, but finally Miniart is also adding various things in a smaller size. This will definitely come handy for some diorama builds, and let's not forget that Ukrainian brand is preparing aircraft model, so it will be useful too. In my opinion it is a good choice for all modelers who would like to add some extra touch to their build.
Get this and other kits in Modelimex webshop.
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